My Project

Attrition Prediction System

Employee attrition prediction system is a ML-based decision support system (DSS). The system use the k-nn method to predict whether a future employee will leave the company or not based on employee data in the database.

Technology Used:
  • Language: Python, JavaScript, HTML & CSS
  • Framework: Flask, Bootstrap
  • Database: PostgreSQL
Project 1

Sentiment Analysis

The experimental research focused on modeling a sentiment analysis system built with the support vector machine (SVM) method. The data used are tweets about mental disorders, which are obtained from the scraping process through the X (formerly known as Twitter) API.

Technology Used:
  • Language: Python
  • Library: Scikit-Learn, TextBlob, SNScrape
Project 2

Library System

Library management system with case study at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Godean, Sleman.

Technology Used:
  • Language: Java, JavaScript, HTML & CSS
  • Framework: Java EE (Servlet & JSP), Bootstrap
  • Database: MySQL
  • Server: Apache Tomcat
Project 3

About Me

I've just finished my undergraduate study, and I'm so excited to start my professional career.

During my study, I've had the opportunity to deepen my knowledge and sharpen my skills in CS in general. I was also actively involved in campus organizations, which helped me develop various soft skills. I believe that my academic background and experience, although limited, have prepared me to make a meaningful contribution where I'm trusted to work and grow.

My Resume/CV